Dairy cows are not happy cows. There are many people who believe that the dairy cow just produces milk without any intervention. The truth is, approximately every 9 months, these sentient creatures are raped by factory farm workers who insert their entire arm into her anus with bull sperm. They are first confined in what the industry calls a rape rack which prohibits them from moving around as they cry and bellow from the pain and discomfort. When she gives birth to her young, the calf is forcefully taken from her and confined in a small cage. The industry will not permit her to nourish her young. They steal her milk and use it for human consumption. She will bellow and cry for days, sometimes weeks, for her baby. Cows, like our dogs, cats, and all other mammels, are very maternal and need to raise their offspring. The mother cow will be raped each 9 months, about 3-5 cycles, until she can no longer produce enough milk to satisfy the greedy dairy industry. It is then that she is removed from the 24/7 milking machines and sent off to be slaughtered for hamburger. The horror does not end here. If the stolen calf is male, he will be sold for veal or sent to the slaughterhouse within days. No care or nourishment will be given to him. If the stolen calf is female she will be subject to the same life of misery as her mother